
Last year on the day before school started again I made eclairs for the first time ever. They were actually successful unlike the time when I tried to make macaron and epically failed.

This time I made profiteroles which are basically eclairs that are in a round shape. I used the same recipe except I piped them into little round things. It made way more that I remembered and since you are meant to eat them the day you make them, I froze quite a few of them. They last in the freezer for about 3 weeks. Last time I froze the eclairs and then forgot about them so we ended up putting them in the bin but this time I have set reminders so that we actually eat them.

To make the chocolate glaze you heat the cream and pour it over the chocolate and syrup, leave it a few minutes and then mix it together. The recipe says to fill them with pastry cream however I just used whipped cream to keep it simple.

You can find the recipe here.


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