Carrot soup.

Carrots. Orange. Soup.

I made some carrot soup yesterday for dinner. It was amazing. Seriously.

Piles of carrots....

The veg collection.

 Onions, oil, and butter.

Carrots and potatoes are added in.

The soup is ready. Orange heaven.

Time to eat. My dad made potatoes. Yum.

Here is the recipe:

This is from Sam Stern's Cookery Course for Students in the Kitchen.

Feeds 4


1 medium onion

700g carrots

200g floury potatoes
(e.g Maris Piper/King Edward)

25g piece of ginger

2 garlic cloves

1 tbsp olive oil

1/2 tbsp butter

salt and pepper

1 star anise

juice of half a lime

1 litre vegetable stock

a good handful coriander

Prep:    Slice the onion in two. Peel and chop it with a sharp chefs knife. Wash, dry and trim the ends away from the carrots. Peel with a knife or peeler and slice into 2.5cm rounds. Peel the potatoes over a sink using a peeler or knife. Dunk under the cold tap as you go to wash surface dirt away. Dry and chop into small pieces.

Peel the ginger with a sharp knife. Grate it finely. Peel and crush the garlic.

Cook:    Put a large pan on to heat. Heat the oil and butter. Add the onion and a pinch of salt. Sweat gently on low for 5-10 minutes until soft, not coloured, stirring occasionally.

Add the ginger and star anise. Stir and cook for 2 minutes. Add the carrot and potatoes, stirring, and cook over a very low heat for 10 minutes. If you've got a bit of greaseproof paper or butter wrapper, lay it directly onto the vegetables and put the lid back on (this paper, or 'cartouche' helps retain moistere as the mix cooks). Don't let the vegetables catch or brown up.

Remove the paper. Stir. Add the lime juice and pour in the stock. Tear in most of the coriander - reserving a few leaves for garnish - and season to taste. Bring to the boil. Reduce and simmer on a very low heat for 30-40 minutes, or until the carrots are soft (test with a knife).

Cool for 5 minutes. Fish out the star anise. Blitz till smooth with a stick blender in the pan, or leave to cool for 5 minutes before blitzing in a blender/processor in batches. Taste and adjust the seasoning, by adding a bit more lime juice if it needs a lift.

Plate:    Pour the soup into warmed bowls and top with torn coriander. Serve with croutons and small edges of lime for squeezing.

This soup is amazing.

Thanks for reading!


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